FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about Chemical Pumps
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about Chemical Pumps 1. Question:H ow to prevent evacuation, cavitation phenomenon in operation ? Answer: Take the air empty: if the pump has gas and liquid, the pump can not work, the flow and pressure tend to zero. Cavitation: is occurring in the pump during operation, from the medium within the pump, flow and pressure changes and fall, resulting in hydraulic shock. Usually take the air empty out of the pump is caused by a phenomenon in the pump, due to the installation of technical pipeline leakage, inhalation of gas caused by the evacuation has been rare, most of them are due to changes in operation and process caused. In order to avoid or control the occurrence of cavitation, in the operation of the pump flow to moderate, to minimize the pressure and the temperature can not appears to be greater change. In the pump suction line should prevent the gas from staying, the inlet pressure is...